If McAfee is acting up on your computer, reinstalling the program will likely solve the problem. Do this as soon as you experience trouble; until the issue is resolved, your computer might be sitting
unprotected. Because they are connected to every folder on your
computer, virus programs require a little more work to reinstall than
most other applications. However, McAfee offers a tool to automate much
of the process.
Reinstalling McAfee is free and will likely solve any issues you are having.
Reinstalling McAfee is free and will likely solve any issues you are having.
How to Uninstall McAfee Antivirus From Windows 10?
Follow the steps given to uninstall Mcafee antivirus from windows 10 or mac devices.- Click on the Start or Windows icon from the taskbar.
- Click on the control panel.
- Now, tap on programs.
- Go to Programs and features.
- Select the product from the list.
- Double click on it to uninstall McAfee antivirus.
- Restart your PC.
Reinstall McAfee Antivirus on Windows 10
- Remove the program from Windows. To do this, go to your Control Panel (from the Start menu) and select "Add or Remove Programs." Select the McAfee software you wish to reinstall and click "Remove" or "Uninstall."
- Run the McAfee Removal Tool. You can download the file, titled MCPR.exe, from McAfee Support (link in Resources).
- Install your McAfee product from scratch. If you purchased it yourself, use the CD or re-download the software for free (link in Resources). If your Internet service provider or computer manufacturer provided the software, contact them for the installation file. The McAfee Support site provides links to contact the major companies.
- Restart your computer.
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